Tuesday 20 May 2008

Fuel prices 'keep cars off road'

It is generally assumed that the demand for petrol is relatively price inelastic, hence the increasing duty that has been imposed over the years. But we may now have reached a price that is startring to encourage some motorists to reconsider their transport options if a report by the AA is to be believed. High prices of petrol and diesel are making UK drivers think twice about travelling by car, a survey suggests. The AA polled 17,500 members, and found 27% had cut back on other areas of spending, 16% had decided to travel less by car, and 21% had done both. Petrol prices have risen sharply this year, although government figures have only shown car traffic falling 2%. The Petrol Retailers Association says that average prices could go up as much as 5 pence a litre by the weekend. Link to BBC News.
Why do you think 27% had 'cut back on other areas of spending' to maintain their perol or diesel consumption?

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