Wednesday 21 May 2008

Aviation policy should be rethought

The government should completely rethink its aviation policy and shelve plans to expand Heathrow and Stansted airports, according to an influential advisory body.The Sustainable Development Commission, chaired by Sir Jonathon Porritt, said there were big question marks over the environmental and economic arguments underpinning the proposals for British airport expansion. It warned that the government faced a wave of legal challenges if it did not hold an independent review of its 2003 aviation white paper, which sanctioned new runways at Heathrow, Stansted and other airports. It believes that a full cost benefit study should be undertaken to consider the full implications of the expansion of air travel. Read further details.

A good example of an economic activity with many private benefits but also numerous external costs (ask those people who live near an airport - I am one of them!)

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